Sunday 24 August 2014

Atheism: A survival guide (review)

I was always going to say I like this book because Graham very kindly (and unnecessarily) mentions me in the acknowledgements.  Thankfully I really do like this book.  A few things in particular:

1.  The book is clever, accessible and well-written.  Each chapter begins with a long and engaging illustration.  Clearly Graham is well-read and knowledgable.  His writing-style makes me think that I would like to hear what Graham has to say on a lot of issues.  Hopefully this won't be his last book.

2.  The book brings you through a logical journey: it begins with New Atheism and ends with an explanation of the Christian message.  This is a distinctly Christian response to New Atheism, even if there are arguments here that could be borrowed by other theists.  

3.  While Graham's thinking is clear to an non-scientist (like me) it would be engaging for someone with scientific knowledge.  I intend to reread the opening (more scientific) chapters again. 

4.  Graham does not get bogged-down arguing about young-earth/old-earth arguments.  It is a book that will please you no matter where you sit on such issues.

5.  This is a book that I would unashamedly share with my friends who do not share my worldview.  It is not full of theological language and it gets the balance between objective and subjective evidence for Christianity.

6.  Graham managed to get his book published by a great publisher.  I always like to see whose logo is on the spine of a book.  I find Christian Focus one of the best Christian publishing house.

The only things I would change are that I think it could be longer (because it is an enjoyable read), and the word 'guide' made me fear that it would be full of bullet points (rather than the smooth-flowing read that it is).

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