Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Tender Luther

I am writing an essay on depression with reference to Martin Luther. The following account from his life brought a tear to my eye (I am tired and so probably feeling more emotional than usual!).
Luther's thirteen year-old daughter Magdelena, or 'Little Lena' as the reformer liked to call her, was the apple of his eye. In September 1542 she suffered a severe and swift-moving illness. Just before she died Luther prayed, “I love Magdelena dearly. But if it is your will, dear God, to take her away, I shall be happy to know that she is with you.” He then turned to his daughter and gently asked, “My little Magdelena, my little daughter, would you like to stay here with me, with your father? Yet, you would also gladly go to your Father beyond?”
“Yes, dear father,” she answered, “it is as God wills.”
Luther then said, “You dear daughter. The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. If her flesh is so strong, what then must her spirit be?”

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