Sunday 2 May 2010


When it comes to immigration I have a problem with Gordon Brown, but it is not because he called that woman a bigot. I am not saying that woman was a bigot, I have not really paid much attention to what she said. However, I must admit I am cautious about people who go on about eastern europeans being a problem. The eastern europeans that I know, who live in this part of Britain, are generally great people; I love having them around.
The problem I have with Gordon Brown is that he is pandering to a selfish public opinion. He talks about an immigration policy that is best for Britain, but does not think about what is best for other countires. He talks of a points system that seeks to limit non-EU immigration to those who can benefit our economy. But what about the development of the countries that these people come from. If we plunder other countries for their most eductaed people how will they develope? Those counntries spend money training their doctors and engineers only for us to benefit from their services. It seems to be a case of the rich designing a system that takes those who are most valuable from the poor.

I do not want to pass judgement upon any person who comes to this country. There are a myriad of potential reasons why a person may leave home and move to a more wealthy country. That is for them to decide. Perhaps too emigration can have some benefits for the home country, like the benefit Ireland reaps from years of those who went and made it in America. However, I am uncomfortable when the policy of this country is to only think about what is most valueable for our development.

I want to finish with another thought on migration: Christains should delight in the fluid movement of people. I know of many churches on this island who have been blessed by Christians from abroad joining their numbers. People moving here also provide us with great oipportunities to share the our faith, it gives us the opportunity to share the gospel with people who may not have heard it back home.

I can't expect that Gordon will adopt an immigration policy that is deigned with the gospel in mind. But I do wish that he would show more concern for the countries these people are coming from.

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