Tuesday 10 October 2023

Christianity is free, but it will cost you your life (Mark 8:34=38)

A number of years ago a man from Limerick went to the ploughing championships and came back claiming that he had led hundreds of people to Jesus.  That got some of us thinking.  What did this man tell people about following Jesus?  How did he explain what was involved in being a Christian?  Had he really explained the gospel?  Did these people really become Christians?

You see, if I went up to you and asked, 'would you like to know Jesus?, then raise your hand'.  'Would you like to be forgiven?, then pray this prayer.'  'Do you want to go to heaven when you die?, then sign this form.'   You might do all these things.  But you might not know what it means to follow Jesus.

Don't get me wrong.  Becoming a Christian involves receiving a free gift.  Jesus did it all.  We contribute nothing to our forgiveness and acceptance.  But if you are going to become a follower of Jesus, and live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit, then everything is open to change.

In this post, I want to encourage you to see that although Jesus calls you to come and die, it is worth it.

1.  Jesus is worth more than your passions

Look at how our reading began.  'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me'  In the original Greek it says, 'if anyone "desires" to come after me.'  In other words, we are to desire to follow Jesus more than anything else in life.

My mind was brought to Galatians 5, which reads that those who belong to Jesus have crucified the flesh with its desires and pleasures.  There Paul talks about the passions of the sinful nature.  Our natural inclination includes fits of rage, cheap sex and jealousy.  Becoming a Christian involves asking the Holy Spirit to help us resist such urges.

In exchange for those ugly passions of the sinful nature, God, through the Holy Spirit, is willing to produce a different fruit in us.  Fruit like love, joy, patience, kindness and gentleness.  Now tell me, is that worth it?  Is it worth following the One who can change you from the inside out?  Is it worth allowing Him make you more like Jesus?

2.  Jesus is worth more than your possessions

Tim Keller says that in every culture there are things of which people  tell you 'if you gain this, have this and earn this then you will have a real sense of self.'

Maybe you are trying to find your sense of self in relationships.  But what happens when she says 'I am not interested in you, it is over?'  Maybe you are building your sense of self through what you own.  We talk of retail therapy.  But no one seriously puts retail therapy alongside other types of therapy, because everyone knows that it does not work.

Do a profit and loss, and you will see that what you get in Christ is greater than anything the world has to offer.  Don't let stuff stop you putting Jesus first in your life.

We all began the Christian life knowing that Jesus was enough for us, but over time discontentment slips in and we start thinking, 'Jesus and the next achievement, that will be enough.'

3.  Jesus is worth more than your popularity

Jesus talks about an adulterous and sinful generation.  Adultery is the ultimate act of disloyalty.  People are fickle and selfish.  They let us down.

In a little while Peter will tells Jesus about those he left behind to follow Jesus.  Jesus then reminds Peter of all the new brothers and sisters and mothers he has in faith.  The church is a part of God's blessing to us.  Psalm 16 states that God's people are to be our delight.

However even Christians let us down.  But look at the context of this passage.  Before Jesus challenged us to take up our cross, He tells them that he picks up his cross.  The cross is not just something that happens for us, it is something that happens in us: it proves to us that God loves us. 

Again, ask yourself, 'is it worth it?'  Is it worth trusting Jesus, more than all untrustworthy people?  Is it worth resisting peer pressure for One whose love is steady and sure?   


I started by telling you about that man who went to the ploughing championship and came home claiming to have led hundreds of people to Jesus.  Did he just ask people to pray a prayer, or did they really count the cost.  Christianity is free, but following Jesus will cost you your life. 

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