Thursday, 1 September 2011


I believe that God heals, and perhaps we don’t pray enough for healing. But I know that there are times when he chooses not to heal. Elisha was used to raise a person from the dead but later we read that Elisha fell sick of the illness of which he was to die (2 Kings 13:14). Like everyone else godly people get sick and die. Faith is not only praying in the knowledge that God can heal, faith is holding on to God in the illnesses we have to bear. 
I believe that God answers prayer, and certainly we don’t pray expectantly enough. But I know that sometimes God says no. Three times the apostle Paul asked for the thorn in his flesh to be removed, and the Lord replied, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (2 Cor. 12:9). Faith does not only believe in prayer, faith accepts when God’s ways are different than our hopes.

I believe that God gives good gifts to his children. But I notice that the New Testament is filled with warning of the dangers of wealth. Faith is not only being thankful for the good things we may have in life, faith involves being content whatever our circumstances. The apostle Paul warned Timothy of the dangers of loving money and then counselled, ‘godliness with contentment is great gain.’

1 comment:

Lyonz said...

It's funny, I've been battling with this issue for a few weeks now. You're right in what you're saying; His grace is sufficient enough to bring us through anything. But I believe there's a balance between prayers of faith and God's decisions. To my understanding, in the Gospels Jesus never turned a sick person away. He ALWAYS healed those who came or were brought to Him. Never gave a cop out answer like "it's the Fathers Will that you remain ill. In your suffering, He is glorified" (as so many people do). He was filled with compassion for people. And being one with the Father, He displays the heart of the Father by reaching out and healing those around Him.

When I say amen to my prayers for healing, does Jesus reply "O you of little faith"? I'm sure in my personal walk, I have put a cap on God's ability to do the miraculous around me. He's a VERY BIG GOD and we shrink Him down in our minds when we limit His ability to work in our lives.

But for the times when God in His Sovereign power decides not to heal; this is such an encouraging blog entry. Thanks Paul <><