Friday, 27 May 2011

Love God and Do as You Please!

I am doing a dissertation of the theme of Guidance.  In fact I have just sent the first draft to my supervisor.  If you were to ask me what I thought was the most helpful thing I have read on this topic I would probably point you to an essay by Tozer, entitled, 'How the Lord Leads,' in the book 'The Set of the Sail.'

Tozer claims that the ‘man or woman who is wholly and joyously surrendered to Christ cannot make a wrong choice.  Any choice will be the right one.’  What freedom that gives!  Our major role is simply to seek to please God and leave the rest to him.

However, Tozer's words come with a challenge as well as comfort.  In fact Tozer talks of making decisions exercising sanctified preferences.  If we want to make decisions that are pleasing to God then we need to be pursing holiness.  As James Petty explains, ‘the first step in seeking guidance from God is to ask him to test and search our hearts for any areas of our life, beliefs, or motives that are not given over to him.’

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