Sunday, 13 March 2011

'Love wins' - a review from someone who has read it!

Okay, Rob Bell's new book, Love Wins, has received a lot of criticism from people who have not yet read it.  But what does someone who has read an advanced copy think?  Here is the review from Tim Challies.

1 comment:

Virtual Methodist said...

interesting and certainly better informed than a lot of the other "criticism" that has occured, tho his definition of universalism at the end is flawed... What he has outlined is a doctrine of universal atonement ie. that Jesus' atonement is the basis of salvation for all who will be saved (whether they are Christian, Jew, Muslim etc) rather than asserting that Jesus' atonement means that all will be saved (including all Christians, Jews, Muslims etc). Its a fine but important difference and I'll wait until reading the book to assess what side of that fine line Bell stands or falls...