Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Jesus finds the lost

Robert Robinson was an English clergyman who lived in the 18th century. Not only was he a gifted pastor and preacher he was also a highly gifted poet and hymn writer. However, after many years in the pastorate his faith began to drift. He left the ministry and finished up in France, indulging himself in sin. One night he was riding in a carriage with a Parisian socialite who had recently been converted to Christ. She was interested in his opinion on some poetry she was reading. She read it to him: ?Come thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace, Streams of mercy never failing, Call for hymns of loudest praise.? When she looked up from her reading the woman noticed Robinson was crying. "What do I think of it?" he asked in a broken voice. "Well, I wrote it. But now I've drifted away from him and can't find my way back." "But don't you see," the woman said gently, "The way back is written right here in the third line of your poem: Streams of mercy never ceasing. Those streams are flowing even here in Paris tonight." And suddenly it all became clear. Robinson knew it was true and he knew he had to act. So that night Robinson recommitted his life to Christ. Because he knew that only in Jesus is found the one who came to seek and to save what was lost.

from Matt Bell, Hull.

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