Tuesday 9 October 2012

A mother's witness

Wurmbrand’s life changed for ever on February 29th, 1948. He was arrested and would spend a total of fourteen years behind bars; two and a half years in solitary confinement. His wife, Sabina, would spend three years in a labour camp.

After two years Sabina was allowed see their son. She was worn, shabby and barely recognisable. Her first words were, ‘Mihai, believe in Jesus!’ The guards were angered by her words and so they grabbed her and took her away. That was the moments of her son’s conversion. He realised that if Christ could be loved in the circumstances that his mother was enduring then it must be true. He later said, ‘If Christianity has no other argument in its favour than the fact that my mother believes in it, this is enough for me.’

Sabina was not the only remarkable Christian woman Mihai encountered. A number of Christian women helped him when his parents were taken away. Two ladies who helped him were arrested and beaten so badly that they were permanently crippled. It was illegal to help families of Christian prisoners. Another lady, who took him into her house, was sentenced to eight years.

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