Tuesday 23 March 2010

One gospel for straight and gay

In Desire and Deceit Albert Mohler writes:
Salvation and repentance must be preached to homosexuals - and to heterosexuals as well. East of Eden, not one of us has come before God as sexually pure and whole, even if we have never committed an illicit sexual act. Our ministry to homosexuals is not as the sinless ministering to sinners, but as fellow sinners who bear testimony to the reality of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

The gospel always comes both as judgement and grace. But the last word must always be grace. Our duty is to tell the truth about homosexuality and to name it as Scripture names it. But our responsibility hardly ends there, for the next task is to speak the word of grace, and to present the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as our substitute, by whose blood we were brought with a price.

1 comment:

Virtual Methodist said...

Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with this analysis, the problem is that those of a homosexual orientation do not hear this as offering an even playing field for all. Believing their orientation to be inherent, many say that our teaching of sexual continence outside of heterosexual marriage, means that they either have to live a lie, or are "condemned" to a life of celibacy... "Where is the grace in that?", they understandably ask. None of the more compassionate evangelical analyses of this issue have really dealt fully with that one, whilst I appreciate that they have been tackling head on the hypocrisy in condemning homosexuality whilst ignoring unacceptable heterosexual practice and attitudes.